FMP from start to finish

June has been a crazy month...Finished my degree and putting up the show marked the end of an incredible three years at uni, have honestly loved every second. Had my interview at Texprint, eagerly awaiting the outcome. Now busy packing the van and getting ready for New Designers which we are all really excited about and will in itself be an amazing experience and something I have aspired to do for a long time. 

Check out my portfolio on Artsthread and keep up to date with all my goings on, on Twitter and Instagram.

Private View

Had a lovely time at the Private View earlier this week, was very busy and everyone's work looked amazing, BIAD put on a great show.

BIAD Textiles Design 2014 blog

Have a look at our Textiles Design blog for the class of 2014. Features our beautiful and diverse collections for FMP Printed Textiles and Surface Design, Constructed Textiles and Embroidery.


New Designers 2014

Very excited to have been chosen to exhibit at New Designers 2014 down in London at the Business Design Center!! Already busy preparing, June is going to be a crazy, exciting, fast month.

Degree Show

Degree show display

 After a long couple of days the degree show is up which also marks the end of an amazing three years at university. Everyone's work look fabulous. 

Please see here for more information about the BIAD degree shows which open on the 9th June till the 14th.